Trainers - How to Login to AEL- Forgot Password Help

Here are the steps for Trainers on how to login and/or get a temporary password:

1. Go to AEL website: and click on the Login link.

2. Login with your email address and password, then click on the 'LOG IN' button. 

3. If you do not remember your password, click on the 'Forgot your Password' link below the Login button. Then enter your email address associated with your AEL account and click on the 'Submit' button. 

4. Once you get the confirmation message that a password has been sent to you, check your email for the new temporary password that is sent to you from 

5. Click on the link in the email to reset your password.

6. Type in your email address and your new password, and click on the Reset button. 

7. Once you receive the confirmation message, go to the log in page and login.